Отзывы о работе. Черный список работодателей

Всего в наличии около 100000 компаний и 500000 отзывов


Другие названия: Скрытый Пул, Hidden Pool
Сфера деятельности: Услуги: IT: консалтинг, разработка, внедрение, хостинг и пр.
Страна: Россия
Регион работы: Санкт-Петербург
Рейтинг компании:
  • Рейтинг 1,40/5,0

Просмотры: 982
Описание деятельности:
IREV is a platform that monetizes traffic higher, increases CR & advertising revenues, and grows partner programs. By providing all services under one roof we revolutionize the affiliate industry Our Mission At IREV, we are passionate about building software that solves business problems. We partner with advertisers, publishers, and networks to transform the way they interact, use technology & data. Our software is used to increase productivity, optimize processes, and see results in ROI instantly. Who are we? In technical terms, IREV is a SaaS platform for affiliate marketing, but behind every technology, there is a group of devoted people. And these people are also IREV Our history is not just a history of one person, it is a history of the shared values, aspiration for higher results and ultimate quality, exciting journey through affiliate marketing jungles, and various team members’ experiences

Отзывы о компании «IREV» Всего: 1